Or his curse will just be lifted and making him not immortal anymore thus he can now die. Estarossa, his brother, the commandment of Love was the one who shoved seven knives in his seven hearts which killed him. Why doesn’t King (Seven Deadly Sins) have any. All moments manifest Why Uraraka is the BEST GIRL in BNHA - Duration: 11:47. For that matter, why does Ban even USE Hunter Fest on Galan?

If this is the case, then why does he want to remove his immortality curse as well? Countless characters have met their end in the world of anime, but it is always surprising to see a lead character die. So, you can understand why fans of The Seven Deadly Sins are reeling right. I could be wrong and must have missed something within the series so feel free to correct me. This notice will be removed in a few days.
Meliodas whispered and I ignored him Gowther! Made out to be the fiercest most deadly Demon of all time. We even saw meliodas use what he presumably used to destroy danafor and the vampire girl with a connection to zeldris and even then meliodas could not do a thing.
So the big question, why is meliodas THAT weak? Father with that reason ‘again’. She did not want anything happen to him. Especially after what have happened before.
When I looked out of the window. There was a little girl, she was a wolf.