Online vertaalwoordenboek. Woorden vertalen Typ een woor kies de bron- en doeltaal en klik op Vertaal. Synonyms: dictionaire , lexicon , vocabulaire , woordenboek , woordenschat Types: handwoordenboek an abridged dictionary of a size convenient to hold in the hand schoolwoordenboek a dictionary specially written for those learning a. Vertaalwoordenboek translated from Dutch to English including synonyms, definitions, and related words. WordReference has two of its own dictionaries plus those of Collins.
The French dictionary has over 250translations and the Italian dictionary has nearly 20000. These dictionaries continue to grow and improve as well. Gebruik onze gratis BMI calculator om uw BMI of dat van uw kind correct te berekenen volgens leeftijd en verkrijg informatie over hoe een gezond gewicht te bereiken. In celebration, NRO will be digging into the NR archives throughout the year. This piece by Whittaker Chambers appeared in the.
De app bevat de volgende woordenboeken: 1. Welcome to TecDic TecDic is the online Dutch-English dictionary for technical stuff. It translates both ways! Just type your technical word in the search field above and get your translations! Tell us what you think about TecDic.
Multilingual translation programme. Warning: The can be perfect translations as well as incomprehensible gibberish! Access on-line machine translation systems from a single screen. Have various online machine translation systems translate your texts simultaneously, compare the and select the one that best suits your needs. Provide translation from English to Balinese language, company with equivalent Indonesian language.
The ethnic Balinese script also provided. This is the electronic version of the paper back. Met de Taalapp krijg je een compleet woordenboekaanbo overzichtelijk in één app.
Cryptogrammenwoordenboek 4. Nederlandse Encyclopedie 5. Dialectenwoordenboek 7. Are you interested in learning about Tok Pisin? The forums are for anyone to ask questions, share knowledge, and to learn more about the wonderful country of PNG and Tok Pisin. Tribology glossary index.
Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares. The visual dictionary: Afrikaans,shqipe,አማርኛ,العربية,հայերեն,Azərbaycan dili,Euskera,беларуская мова,বাংলা,Tamaziɣt.

De TaalApp is verkrijgbaar in de Play Store en de App Store en combineert en vervangt alle eerdere apps van Mijnwoordenboek. Bladeren milions woorden en zinnen in alle talen. If the ideas expressed within this.
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Ieder hulpmiddel heeft zijn eigen kenmerken. Nieuw in de folie uit voorraad leverbaar. Alleen bij ons ( boekhandel bingzund ) met een gratis vertaalwoordenboekje.
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