Ciat-Lonbarde Deerhorn. In Stock and Shipping Immediately or In Store Pickup! To me, it embodies the spirit of electronic music, connecting to the roots of electronic music a century ago. The following instruments are assembled in Portland out of local woo and machine assembled circuit-boards that are hazmat free.
Free Shipping on all orders in DE over 1Euros. I have babied this thing since I got it directly from Peter B. I will include a case for it (refer to pics). No power supply include but I can add one for another $10. It is very much similar to the old plumbutter, but in a new slim case. The sigils are engraved rather than printed.
Still features the signature mulberry, walnut and sassafras woodage. Aux inputs and outputs remain. Its sound is remindful of early electronic music, with a very deep and warm character. Its pretty unknown, so I thought I would share a video on it.
Disclaimer: I am not getting paid for this. We can use these to directly drive MLPS (Multi Layer Piezo Speaker), a new technology. The deerhorn circuit has two outputs. It is lightweight and efficient, well-matched to Pawlonia woo which is lightweight.
For the hanging piece, which has four deerhorns, there will be a total of eight (8) MLPS. Everything functions properly, WITH THE EXCEPTION of the leftmost bottom LED- long story short, it was broken during a calibration mishap (yes, not my proudest moment). Plumbutter itself creates rhythms and harmonies, the Deerhorn Organ to the left plays chords. Blasser has made instruments out of wood salvaged from a lightning struck tree. He has built complex circuits into paper resembling a tea cozy.

He has attached fish to aluminum pans to create a working antenna. Undulating gongs and dogs. Lovely Deerhorn theremin. We are the only place on this earth that carries the full line of the instruments above for you to try and buy. You can also make a booking for free to use our studio of instruments.
We are not a repair shop, unless you have one of the above items ^^^. Really adding a pulse input to this thing is the smartest thing that korg ever di there are some many possibilities! The only drums coming from the plumbutter are the gongs, which are also filtering the individual outputs of my volca beats. BTW, new plumbutters will be coming out soon, in about a month. A video of the deerhorn organ with modulations. video of previous deerhorn model, which hung on the wall.
Its electronic guts live visibly in a sandwich of two layers of multi-colored laminated wood. Camp Deerhorn is touching these kids’ lives who then go out into the world and touch more lives. You can go here to learn more about the Plum Butter modular synth.
Ancient baboon sarcasm 2. Finally I have the space to have these always setup (String Orchestra, Omnichor Deerhorn ) comments. Peter B with Deerhorn tapestries If Don Buchla, mastermind of early modular synthesizers, was the technician behind the lysergically tinted spiritualism of countless ‘60s timbric explorations, Peter Blasser is an audio alchemist: technician, musician, and guru rolled into one. What are your thoughts?

Each Deerhorn has an antenna, the circuit boards in the photo by the knobs and jacks, two oscillators, and two VCAs. The Deerhorn organ is made up of three of these Deerhorns. This is the keynote of our responsibility at Camp Deerhorn.
We see a boy’s need for growth physically and mentally. We have planned and built for his fun today and for his development tomorrow. This camp is conceived as a bivouac of friendship and fellowship. Peter Blasser builds musical instruments including the Plum Butter, Deerhorn synthesizer used by himself and artists including Dan Deacon.
It’s the gadget that shows exposed circuits on its generic green PCB boar a stark contrast to the rustic quality of the rest of the instrument (or more to the point, a different sort of rustic). The compilation is curated by Dymaxion Groove founder Tom Tolleson , who plays a modified Fender Jazzmaster with a ¾ ratio of separate playable strings over two pickups on the album as well. Improvisation is an inherently democratic process, as each performer has a say on the direction that a given performance will go. LP is a compilation of the most groundbreaking artists of current and past decades who have redefined sound by creating and destroying musical instruments to fit a specific sonic character and method of music-making.
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