Dometic Cool - Ice CI - Denna mycket effektiva och lätta kylbox kan hålla is fryst i flera dagar beroende på användning. Tack vare den tjocka skumisoleringen av kylskåpskvalitet och den unika labyrinttätningen kan du ta med dig iskalla förfriskningar vart du än beger dig. It will keep your ice frozen for days – up to ten days, depending on model usage and conditions. Dankzij het dikke isolatieschuim van koelkastkwaliteit en de unieke labyrintafdichting kunt u uw ijskoude verfrissing meenemen, waar u ook naartoe gaat!
Absolutely the best looking, best built and best value for money rotomoulded iceboxes available. Med den tykke skumisolering af kølekvalitet og den unikke labyrinttætning kan du tage iskolde forfriskninger med dig – uanset hvor du tager hen! Køleboksen til Dometic har en passiv afkølingsmetode, hvilket betyder, at en stikkontakt ikke er nødvendig. Praktische accessoires als zitkussens, hengelsteunen en flesopeners maken ze onmisbaar gezelschap voor vissers, jagers en andere natuurliefhebbers.
Het modulaire opbergsysteem, dat bestaat uit draadmanden en scheidingsroosters, organiseert de inhoud. Leverbaar voor alle vernieuwde Cool Ice -modellen (tot 1liter). Whether it’s a camping weeken or a full on overlanding expedition, never worry about ice again! An insulation box minimizes the amount of air going in the icebox, allowing this sort of portable icebox to stay cold for a long time. The hard iceboxes are equipped with extremely effective insulation, and once the cool packs or ice cubes have been placed inside, they will keep groceries, fish, bait and wild game fresh.
Keep ice frozen for days! To će zadržati led zamrznut danima - do deset dana, ovisno o korištenju modela i uvjetima. Prisjakt jämför priser och erbjudanden från butiker. Their unique labyrinth design is 1 heat-resistible for ice that lasts longer. Den nye serie af tilbehør til isbokse forbedrer komforten, når du er på farten, holder din isboks sikker mange forskellige steder, organiserer dine mad- og drikkevarer bedre og giver dig oven i købet et ste hvor du kan anbringe din kop, drikkeflaske eller fiskestang!
We purchased the Waeco cool - ice , icebox in and just returned it (a replacement.(only used it once) We were away camping for days over xmas and the icebox performed perfectly, held ice for 2-days at a time, BUT when we returned home and cleaning down the icebox i noticed an exterior side wall and the bottom had separated and developed a bubble the size of my palm. Cool - Ice rotomoulded iceboxes are lightweight, and easy to handle where power is not. It’s made of a thick refrigeration grade foam insulation and has a unique labyrinth seal design. This highly efficient and lightweight ice box can keep ice frozen for up to ten days. Techni Ice vs Waeco Cool-Ice test result.

In my opinion, the key differentiating points for review are the following. The generous capacity of the Dometic CFX 50W allows you to enjoy true independence with a well-stocked fridge or freezer. We provide a huge selection of Ice Boxes online at the best prices available. It is made of a thick refrigeration grade foam insulation and has a unique labyrinth seal design. KEEP ICE FROZEN FOR DAYS.
Ships within Australia $169. Fitted with ice packs or ice cubes, they can keep groceries, fish, bait, and wild game fresh for several days. Dometic iceboxes feature an extremely effective insulation system. The new facelift models of the popular series are even cooler. Tento vysoce účinný a lehký chladící box udrží led několik dní.
Díky hrubé pěnové izolaci používané v lednicích a jedinečné labyrintové konstrukci těsnění si můžete vzít vychlazené nápoje s sebou, ať jdete kamkoliv! Du hjælper ikke kun andre ved at dele din mening, men du har også chance for at vinde et gavekort til Frank. Dometic Waeco Rotomoulded icebox with superior ice keeping - Litres. The bigger the cooler , the more ice it can fit and the longer it will keep its cool , but make sure your new cooler will fit in your vehicle before you super size.
With a Dometic Electric Cooler it is now possible to have ice cream on any adventure. This ensures your ice lasts much longer, despite the harsh outside temperatures. Thanks to these easy to install and lightweight baskets, foo drinks and fishing bait can be kept separately! However you choose to arrange your cool storage, it always helps to be organized.

This is my second Dometic cooler – I had the previous model and this is a big improvement in design: bigger, sturdier, nice handles, lots of thought-out details, and now a drain plug! Free delivery for many products!
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