Complete in Only Minutes. Only Steps, Takes Just Minutes! Based on this registration you will be able to take action against third parties who use a similar or identical trademark without your permission. If someone else has already registered your mark, it is not available. You can save time and money by searching for marks that could conflict with yours before you apply.
If you are planning to expand in the EU, this is one of the trademarks you must consider. EU is also one of the quickest countries to obtain a trademark registration. As soon as your trademark is file we will send you a filing report that will include the application number and date, plus a scanned copy of the filed trademark.
From that moment, priority is given for all Member States. The trademark ownership right has a validity of years and can be renewed under the same conditions. However, it is an optional procedure for filing the trademark application.

Time frame: – working days. Trade mark protection in the EU Trade mark registration is one of the most effective ways to build and defend a brand. Under the Lanham Act, a federal registration gives the registrant rights throughout the entire US. Whereas a state trademark registration only protects the trademark in the state where it was registered.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. At the same time, a trademark owner shall grant someone else the right to use it for a certain period. Let’s see in detail this principle and the phases of registration of the EU trademark. The trademark is valid for years from the date of application and renewable for equal periods indefinitely. An indefinite number of renewals is possible for subsequent 10-year periods.

A trademark registration is valid for years from the date of application and could be renewed for years before the expiry date. The distinctive feature is that the registered trademark is subject to protection in all countries of the EU without any exclusion (the EU trademark registration countries). EU community trademark registration is a cost-effective solution for your business. For example, a registration with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property offers trademark protection in the Benelux territory (Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands). We analyze the impact of this reform using a novel data set.
We document a reduction in the cost of protection and an increase in the propensity to protect a mark. We aim raising the legal culture of the society. Currently our main platform is trademark-registration. Your solution to hard BREXIT scenario only for EUR. Simple, cost-efficient and safe method to maintain your trademark and design portfolio.
Filing of new EU trademark from 2EUR and more. WORLDWIDE TRADEMARK REGISTRATION. Our mission: making trademark protection worldwide accessible for everyone!
You can apply to register a trademark for the Benelux at BOIP. Do you (also) want to register your trademark outside the Benelux? EUTMs protect the rights of owners to use their marks in commerce.
Marks should not contain official insignia of member countries. EQUIPO is a trademark and brand of ISACO INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION. Trademark registration outside the Benelux.
European Union trademarks A European Union trademark is protected throughout the EU. However, in case of office action, the time procedure could be longer. Application for an EU trademark is proportionally cheaper than for a national trademark , and so can be an attractive option if you are active in a large part of the EU.
Maximize the value of your brand with a European , UK or German trademark registration. We have assisted clients from more than thirty countries so far. The OHIM is also responsible for registered Community designs.
A single registration filed online, in one language – is valid in all EU member States. The EU trademark gives its owner an exclusive right in all current and future EU Member States at a reasonable cost. You can enforce your trademark in a merket of almost 5million customers.
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