Ben je op zoek naar de interclubkalender van de najaarsinterclub, supragewestelijke interclub ,. Op zoek naar de kalender van de gewestelijke interclub ? Geef hier de naam op voor de geselecteerde ploeg. Dit is de naam zoals deze zal verschijnen in je dashboard bij je favoriete ploegen. Omwille van de transferregeling kunnen spelers die deelnamen aan de najaarsinterclub vorig jaar of dit voorjaar interclub gespeeld hebben voor Club A dit jaar enkel voor Club A najaarsinterclub spelen.
Reserve a tennis court. Become a member for one year for only $ 49. For those of you who are already members, you will need the number we attributed you and your credit on hand. Then, you will easily be able to reserve as much courts as you want, and on many days.
You will only be required to complete the payment. Laurentides, Saint-Sauveur-des-monts, Quebec J0R 1K- Rated based on Reviews Très beaux terrains, endroit propre et. Per wedstrijd wordt telkens uren voorzien. De poules moeten gespeeld zijn voor maart.

Zoek door deze site: JAARPROGRAMMA. Inschrijven kan vanaf nu t. De bedoeling is dat men ploegen maakt en ontmoetingen in totaal zal spelen op zaterdagavond. Welcome to the InterClub home page.
The InterClub website has been split into sites, one for the Monday play and one for the Friday play. Click on the appropriate link below to be taken to the site you want. De ploeg mag ten hoogste 1punten hebben voor dames en heren. We are so confident that our system will be successful for you, that we will install a FREE lottery machine at your club, and provide you with all the tickets you need to get started – as a club, you will ONLY pay for the tickets that you have sold at the end of each month.
Er wordt in poules gespeeld waarna er finales volgen. The Code” constitutes a way for honest players to employ the same approach to various situations so that neither takes advantage of the other. Please find the from Round of the ICL As always, thanks to Termon Wheelers for promoting a safe and enjoyable race. Interclub League Sorry for the late post folks! The club is attached to the Angolan police force.
GKTA gets the remainder of the fee. Consult the METROPOLITAN INTERCLUB TENNIS LEAGUE (MITL ) JUNIOR TENNIS FOUNDATION, INC. The interclub committee members are totally volunteers, as in unpaid positions. LARCHMONT, NY for company research. Find over million profiles with the DB Business Directory at DandB.
Je kunt je inschrijven in zoveel reeksen als je maar wil (geen maximum). De matchen worden gepland door Lynn en Ann. Na de match sms je de score naar hen door. Valkeniers, Ons jaarlijks CLUBKAMPIOENSCHAP staat weer voor de deur!
Start: donderdag augustus - Finales: zaterdag augustus – met BBQ! Our president Michelle Aubé I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the nd season of the interclub. A new season is upon us and I would like to remind you that playing in the interclub and playing tennis is a privilege. There have been as many as teams in the league, but in recent years there have been six, some of which include racers from more than one club. In this instance, players may be shifted up or down to different teams.
All IC teams will consist of a minimum of players. At South Suburban, Lone Tree was defeated 6-12. Jerry Kanter was the only individual match winner, Kevin Foster and Paul Jagels were the only team to win a match for Lone Tree.
Foster also tied his individual match, and the team of Dave Calvert and Jerry Kanter also earned a draw. Thank you all for participating this year. We would like to congratulate Lakeland CC on their resounding win in the B-League and Harps CC who continued their run of success in the A-League.
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