Song Meaning The word wonderwall means the person you constantly find yourself thinking about. This song is simply about the feelings human beings get when they experience the initial stages of love and infatuation (limerence). It describes the volleying between euphoria and agony that a crush can make you feel.

Gallagher had earlier said in NME that the song was about his then-significant other Meg Mathews. This is the best I found on the internet describing this beautiful song. While trying to understand the song, he realizes that Harrison (the writer of wonderwall ) was just throwing down music and recording it because its his love, his love is to just hear, play, record music. Hence , to noel, the title wonderwall grew into a significant word to him.
A wonderwall can be anything. Wonderwall topped the charts in Australia and New Zealand. It’s just a beautiful word.
It has become associated with amateur guitar playing because the song is relatively easy to play. An object of facination. More recently the term has been revived thanks to a song of the same name by brit poppers Oasis. Penny Lane from El Paso, Tx my fav song of all time.
Hugh from Oxfordshire, United Kingdom Oasis sounds like the Beatles with this song. Definition of wonderwall in the Definitions. What does wonderwall mean ?