It is the very thing that pops into people’s mind when one intends to share messages with their buddies. Don’t follow previous procedure as our mad researchers explained. The chat history will be in your mobile database and images will be in gallery with a folder name whatsapp.
Most developers choose to use the internal SD card because it is easier to use and causes less confusion as compared to external SD cards. This way, they’ll reduce the amount of data that their internal storage contains and make way for other applications that need it. The SD card memory is shown separately.
Im talking about storage check in settings. You can try deleting photos and videos from the whatsapp folder in the photos hub as well. This is the most frequent question that I receive in my inbox. Step 2: Grant Permissions. You should clear your chats Multimedia messages can fill up your storage very quickly but there is a way to clear them entirely.

WhatsApp taking up too much space? OS provides an easy way to find out how much storage space is being used by apps. So, with time you will find that these files are filling up your internal memory, thus you will be required to free them up.
Go to Settings - Data and. You are welcome to today’s post that’s programmed to bring the solution to your doorstep and make you smile right back again on this issue.