I have a view with these columns. This avoids duplication of program code as we may not know how many times the relevant statements should be executed. Normally, it is recommended to use an exit condition to terminate the loop. END block will be executed otherwise, it won’t be executed.
For loop: counter IN 1. However, you simulate the FOR LOOP using the WHILE LOOP. The statements are executed repeatedly as long as the specified condition is true. The execution of statements in the WHILE loop can be controlled from inside the loop with the BREAK and CONTINUE keywords. Let’s take some examples of using the FOR LOOP statement to understand how it works. In this example, the loop index is l_ counter , lower_bound is one, and upper_bound is five.
The loop shows a list of integers from to 5. This part of the series will show you how to use a loop to execute a query multiple times, using a different value in the WHERE clause of the query each time. Because the number of loops is specifie the overhead of checking a condition to exit is eliminated. The number of executions is defined in the loop definition as a range from a start value to an end value (inclusive). In a loop I want to increment the last character which is a number as follows. In the first loop the string will have a value of ABC_1.
In the second loop it should have a value of ABC_until ABC_10. That is why your loop work for two times i. If the condition is TRUE, then the loop body executes. A loop label is used to qualify the name of the loop counter variable when a loop is nested inside another loop. Secon the from and to are expressions that specify the lower and upper bound of the range. It works like an entry-check loop in which execution block will not even be executed once if the condition is not satisfie as the exit condition is checking before.
WHILE loop statement works similar to the Basic loop statement except the EXIT condition is at the very beginning of the loop. TSql has While() instead of For. Declare a variable for your counter , use the While, and be sure to increment the counter.

At each iteration, the sequence of statements is executed and then control resumes at the top of the loop. To exit the current iteration of the loop immediately, you use the BREAK statement. To skip the current iteration of the loop and start the new one, you use the CONTINUE statement. Looping structures allow a single comman or a group of statements, to be executed repeatedly. If not, control passes to the statement following the loop.
The exit condition should be given inside this execution block so that control exit from the loop. The FOR loop executes for a specified number of times, defined in the loop definition. Usually, this is accomplished with a LEAVE statement. Within a stored function, RETURN can also be use which exits the function entirely. Neglecting to include a loop -termination statement in an infinite loop.
SQL Server WHILE example. In the fourth iteration, the value of the counter reached then the loop is terminated. Also, the PRINT statement after the BREAK statement was skipped.
Looping is the basic fundamental thing of any programming language. It plays an important role in the iteration of records dynamically. Generally, if your requirement is that you need same code to be executed for multiple times, looping comes into the picture.

Once the loop completes, the temp tables are cleaned up and the procedure finishes. The data in the table should look like so.
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