Je kunt daarnaast de diameter berekenen door uit te gaan van de omtrek van een cirkel. Je kunt de omtrek berekenen door pi te vermenigvuldigen met de diameter. Pi ronden we in dit geval even af tot 1 maar normaal gesproken staan er veel meer cijfers achter de komma. If you know the circumference of the circle , divide it by π to get the diameter.
This tool will calculate the area of a circle from the diameter , and will convert different measurement units for diameter and area. Enter the diameter or two times the radius of a circle. Læs og lær om hvad radius og diameter af en cirkel er og lær at regne på cirkler eller prøv vores interaktive cirkel -tegning. In geometry, a diameter of a circle is any straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle. It can also be defined as the longest chord of the circle.
En wat is het middelpunt? In dit filmpje leer je meer over de begrippen cirkel , straal, middelpunt en diameter. If you want to know what is diameter of a wire with respect to the square mm size and the weigh as well, you can use below given tables to convert between wire square mm and diameter mm and to know the approximate weight of 1meter length: Wire. Cirkel med centrum, radius og periferi Cirklen består af alle de punkter (periferien), der ligger i radius afstand fra centrum.