Since XChat is open source, it’s perfectly legal. For more info, please read the Shareware background. Note that the Windows installers automatically download. Hosted on GitHub Pages using a modified Modernist theme by.
IRC introduced an addition to the IRC protocol with the. NOTE: This application is free the purchase is optional. It allows you to securely join multiple networks and talk to users privately or in channels using a customizable interface.
Chocolatey is trusted by businesses to manage software deployments. You can even transfer files. It is easy to get up and running, but has all the advanced features that a power user would need. AutoXDCC allowed you to automatically download from IRC using XDCC files links in the same manner that a BitTorrent client allows you to download files from BitTorrent swarms using torrent files or magnet links. This section describes how to connect to Anonops IRC Network via the Linux operating system.
If you have recently installed a Linux OS, check your installed programs to see if Xchat or Hexchat is already installed! It has a choice of a tabbed document interface or tree interface, support for multiple servers, and numerous configuration options. Both command-line and graphical versions were available. Stats - See how many users are connecting to your network in real-time.
Client Documentation ¶. Servers - Control which servers kiwi users can connect to. View details Website Widgets. Embed an IRC client widget into your website for an instant, free live chat. It includes basic functionality found in IRC clients , like secure connections, multiple server connections, nick completion, a client -to- client protocol, direct client -to- client file transfer and chat, and a plugin system which allows extension of features and further customization. IRC chat software for Windows: A free IRC client forked from the original XChat project.
HexChat, free download. Includes tests and PC download for Windows and 64-bit systems completely free-of-charge. Look for the network that you would like to connect to in the server list. Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client based on the Qtframework. Distributed means that one (or multiple) client (s) can attach to and detach.
With an easy to use interface, it offers a great method of chatting online. Format so it can easily integrate with the PortableApps. One feature Hexchat is missing (and I think all GUI IRC clients ?) is the ability to log on with your own client certificate.

I prefer CLI irc clients myself, but never understood why GUI clients don’t implement it. There are two advantages to it. One is no more passwords need to be exchanged between client and server. Which is the successor to XChat-WDK.
XChat has been described as popular, buildable for a variety of platforms. In its heyday it was rated one of the best IRC clients for Linux. Introduction This tutorial will help you connect to AnonOps IRC network using the Hexchat IRC client.
This information also applies to XChat but XChat is very outdated and should NOT be used. In the Network List add a new network and for the server use irc. You must have your nickname match your twitch account. IRC clients supporting ANSI formatting was, historically, due to clients outputting messages via terminals that supported ANSI escape codes.
Many IRC clients today do not display through an interface that natively supports ANSI escape codes, and so must implement this behaviour themselves if they wish to support it. The Real name field used to be accessible via the Network List, which is the very first screen that a new user sees. Newcomers, who are not familiar with IRC terminology, might be afraid of their personal data. In order to avoid alienating such people, we decided to remove this setting from the Network List. IRC or Internet Relay Chat is a protocol that enables real-time text communications between people.
To start, a client connects to a server (or more commonly a network of servers) where clients have either one on one conversations or group conversations in channels.
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