Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members. Reddit is a website comprising user-generated. The website is known for its open nature and diverse user.
Please use this thread to ask and answer questions related to and its sister projects, whether you need help with editing or are curious on how something works. Press J to jump to the feed. Each heading will describe a feature and feature individual sections, one for an average user and the other for the subreddit moderator.
Banned subreddits Beatingwomen. Markdown is the format in which content is written on Reddit. IAmA is a subreddit for question-and-answer interactive interviews termed AMA (short for Ask Me Anything).
AMA interviewees have ranged from various celebrities to everyday people in several lines of work. Outros usuários podem então votar positiva ou negativamente nas ligações divulgadas, fazendo com que apareçam de uma forma mais ou menos destacada na sua página inicial. It was created on the basis of providing a place for discussion of things on the internet. This list may not reflect recent changes ().
He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS, the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, and the website framework web. Användare (även kallade redditors, eller redditörer på svenska) kan förutom att läsa innehållet också posta egna länkar till innehåll på nätet eller posta self-poster som innehåller användarskapad text. Translator Foreign language translations Open Sorcerer Contribute code to reddit White Hat RESPONSIBLY probe and report any holes in the reddit code.
They wanted to give voice to their feeling, in one moderator’s words, that the company’s bosses ‘‘do not respect the work that is put in by the thousands of unpaid volunteers who maintain the communities of the 6active subreddits,’’ as the individual forums are called. Its goal is to provide a high quality hub for information and advice about achieving physical fitness goals – compiled and organized from the best threads and advice from both communities. This document describes the data structure of an object returned when using the reddit JSON API. Items attached with a ? He is best known as the co-founder and executive chairman of the social news website Reddit.
This category contains hidden categories. Unlike normal categories, these are not displayed at the bottom of pages that are included in them, and are therefore hidden from readers. Jump to navigation Jump to search. This newer version is still a work in progress, but the old version is still available here.

This How teaches you how to create a post on Reddit. Brugere stemmer derefter hver indgivelse op eller ned for at rangere stillingen og bestemme positionen på webstedets sider. A brave young warrior named Guts fights for his fortune as a mercenary on the front lines. A fated encounter unites Guts with the charismatic and deadly young man named Griffith. Voat is a site which hosts aggregated content and discussion forums.
According to Wire Voat is aesthetically and functionally similar to Reddit. Název serveru je anglickou slovní hříčkou ze slovního spojení „I read it“ (četl jsem to). I hope you find these helpful! A simple of collection of all known formatting tricks used for reddit.
BROWSE REDDIT IN CLEAR VIEW OF YOUR BOSS. The official community-driven and information source for Atlas, the pirate MMO adventure game from Grapeshot Games. A community for meditators following a specific practice outlined by Vinay Gupta in order to achieve enlightenment. Users can submit links, text posts, images and videos, vote and comment on submissions in communities called subreddits. For a variety of reasons, that.
Hello and welcome to the One Piece , the encyclopedia for the anime and manga, One Piece, that anyone can edit. Dreddit is an EVE Online corporation mostly made up of Reddit. Aunt explodes after I (23ftm) decided to shave my head.

Welcome to the Soccer Spirits ! Anyone can contribute and help our community! Summoners War Sky Arena is a community run site dedicated to being a valuable resource for players of the game, as well as a general hub for the community. Check out guides, summaries and look for more information coming soon!
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